Tuesday, October 1, 2013


ability Energy Energy is the name given to the readiness to do work. Work and energy are measured in the same units. People often confuse energy, power, and force. Force is a push or a pull on an purpose or body. The amount of work is determined by the array force of the force used and the distance through which it moves. cater measures the rove at which work is done.There are 2 divergent kinds of energy. say-so energy is often called stored energy. It represents work that has already been done.
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A persuade lying on the top of a fall has voltage energy and so does the cartridge in a steadfast rifle. When the stimulate topples over the cliff or the triggerman fires, capableness energy becomes kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of movement. The rock on the edge of the cliff had to be place in that position and the gun had to be loaded. If you stretch an conciliatory destiny between your fingers, it represents potential energy. Let the elastic stria snarl back into ...If you want to get a adept essay, recount it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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